Heinrich's Law: in a workplace, for every accident that causes a major injury, there are 29 accidents that cause minor injuries and 300 accidents that cause no injuries.
Safety incidents are frequent
Enterprise Safety Production Compliance Management
Has become the inevitable way to eliminate security risks
Conform to the needs of enterprise development
Lawyers in Winners set up professional R & D team
in the last two years of deep thinking and careful consideration
Oriented to corporate executives and security management
Strongly recommended
Enterprise safety production compliance management training courses
Professional training materials
Innovative training model
Brilliant legal explanation
Vivid case analysis
Winners Law Firm
Leading enterprises to prevent security risk
With the compliance management to create safety "protection network"
Enterprise Safety Production Compliance Management Training Course of the Winners
High-quality Customization
Tailor your own training courses
Teaching in accordance with requirement
Truly solve customer needs
Course details
Pretty Secretary: Cui Jingjing